Active leisure, learning and wellbeing - level 2 apprenticeship framework
This framework sets out the standards and criteria you must meet to complete the apprenticeship programme and receive your apprenticeship certificate for level two active leisure, learning and wellbeing. This is the only level 2 training in this skill acceptable for apprenticeshipsni funding.
About the framework
This framework specifies the standards and the criteria for the delivery of level 2 apprenticeship training to achieve qualified status within the active leisure, learning and wellbeing sector. Successful completion of the apprenticeship will lead to the award of a level 2 qualification and recognition as a qualified person within the industry sector.
Mandatory outcomes
Achievement of a level 2 apprenticeship in active leisure, learning and wellbeing will be assessed by verification through the appropriate awarding body.
You must complete both a competence and knowledge-based qualification, or a combined qualification, along with the mandatory essential skills qualifications.
Mandatory essential skills
To successfully complete the apprenticeship, you must achieve the following essential skills qualifications as part of the apprenticeship, or already hold a recognised equivalent:
- application of number – level 1
- communication – level 1
- information and communication technology – level 1
However, any qualifications you already have are assessed against the framework requirements and may result in an exemption from the above.
Competence and knowledge qualifications – pathway options
You need to complete both a competence-based and a knowledge-based qualification, or a combined qualification, in your chosen pathway selected from the lists below, along with one of the additional requirements indicated.
Pathway 1 – exercise and fitness pathway
Competence-based qualifications
- VTCT level 2 diploma in instructing exercise and fitness (QCF) 501/0718/5
- Active IQ level 2 diploma in instructing exercise and fitness (QCF) 500/9640/0
- YMCA awards level 2 diploma in instructing exercise and fitness (QCF) 501/0519/x
- 1st4sport level 2 diploma in instructing exercise and fitness (QCF) 601/6791/9
- Focus awards level 2 diploma in instructing exercise and fitness (QCF) 601/4885/8
Knowledge-based qualifications
- YMCA level 2 certificate in gym instructing 603/2767/4
- YMCA Level 2 Certificate in Group Exercise Instructing 603/7154/7
- Active IQ certificate in fitness instructing 500/8756/3
- Focus awards certificate in fitness instructing 601/5883/9
- VTCT level 2 diploma in exercise health and fitness studies 600/8631/2
- Active IQ level 2 certificate in fitness instruction and self-development in active leisure 601/0298/6
- Active IQ level 2 diploma in physical activity, fitness and exercise science 601/6041/x
Additional requirements
- YMCA Level 2 Award in Group Exercise Instructing 603/7151/1
- YMCA awards level 2 award in nutrition for healthy living 600/5269/7
- ActiveIQ level 2 certificate in leading health-related activity sessions 601/3891/9
One of the following may also be used as the additional employer requirement;
- any relevant qualification that is externally awarded and validated
- vocational assessor units
- any approved health and safety executive first aid at work or emergency first aid at work certificates
- apprentices and training providers are encouraged to deliver a full first aid qualification rather than a one day course
- any other key skills awards at level 2 (working with others, problem solving or improving own learning and performance)
- any register of exercise professionals (reps) accredited continuous professional development course worth 8 points or more
- any national governing body award (NGB) – coaching, teaching, or instructing and officiating qualifications for a specific sport, developed by the NGB of that sport to enable the participant to competently coach that sport
- any customer service competence units (at the same level as the competence qualification being completed for this framework)
- customer services awards / certificates
- any additional active leisure and learning competence units
Note that the additional employer requirement must be at level 2, and certificates of attendance are not considered to be evidence of completion.
Pathway 2 – operational services
Competence-based qualifications
- Active IQ level 2 NVQ certificate in active leisure, learning and well-being operational services 501/0174/2
- YMCA awards level 2 NVQ certificate in active leisure, learning and well-being operational services 600/0491/5
- Focus awards level 2 NVQ certificate in active leisure, learning and well-being operational services 601/4887/1
Knowledge-based qualifications
- Active IQ certificate in leisure operations 600/8246/x
- Focus awards certificate in leisure operations 601/5374/x
Additional requirements
One of the following may also be used as the additional requirement;
- (1) award in coaching [name of sport] qualifications or (2) certificate in coaching [name of sport] qualifications (for apprentices working on sites where they are responsible for delivering coaching sessions in a context of a specific sport)
- any relevant qualification that is externally awarded and validated
- any customer service competence units at the same level as the framework
- any customer service knowledge qualifications at the same level as the framework
- CTO electrical test and inspection for parks (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
- CITO safe siting (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
- CIEH level 2 award in food safety (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
- CIEH level 2 award in health and safety in the workplace (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
- any approved health and safety executive first aid at work or appointed persons certificate (apprentices and training providers are encouraged to deliver a full first aid qualification rather than a one day course.) (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
- BII level 2 award for personal licence holders (for apprentices employed in caravan parks)
The additional requirement must be completed at level 2 unless the occupational area and job roles justify the need for apprentices to gain a level 1 qualification first. Certificates of attendance are not accepted as evidence of completion.
Pathway 3 – activity leadership
Competence-based qualifications
- Active IQ level 2 NVQ certificate in activity leadership 500/9806/8
- YMCA awards level 2 NVQ certificate in activity leadership 600/0347/9
- Focus awards level 2 NVQ certificate in activity leadership 601/4886/x
Knowledge-based qualifications
- 1st4sport level 2 award in introductory work in the outdoors 600/2685/6
- Active IQ level 2 certificate in introductory work in the outdoors 601/2340/0
Additional requirements (should be linked to competence qualification where possible)
- archery GB community sports leader award
- BCU level 1 certificate in coaching paddlesport
- BCU level 2 certificate in coaching paddlesport
- British Caving Association local cave & mine leader level 1
- British Orienteering Teaching orienteering part 1
- British Orienteering Teaching orienteering part 2
- CTC trail leader
- ILM level 2 award/certificate/NVQ in team leading
- Institute of Outdoor Learning registered practitioner of the institute of outdoor learning
- Royal Yachting Association assistant instructor
- Royal Yachting Association dinghy instructor
- Royal Yachting Association powerboat level 2
- Royal Yachting Association safety boat
- Royal Yachting Association start windsurf instructor
- Mountain Bike instructor award scheme mountain bike instructor level 1
- Mountain Bike leader association trail cycle leader
- Mountain Leader training climbing wall award
One of the following may also be used as the additional requirement;
- any relevant qualification that is externally awarded and validated
- 1 award in coaching [name of sport] qualifications or l2 certificate in coaching [name of sport] qualifications (for apprentices working on sites where they are responsible for delivering coaching sessions in a context of a specific sport)
- any approved health and safety executive first aid at work or emergency first aid at work qualification (training providers are encouraged to deliver a full first aid qualification rather than a one day course)
- although not essential, a first aid qualification delivered in an outdoor context that maps to the stated HSE qualifications above can be beneficial (subject to industry changes)
- any customer service units (at the same level as the NVQ being completed for this framework)
- BTEC level 2 awards in customer service
- Chartered Institute of Environmental Health – level 2 Health and Safety in the Workplace certificate
- welcome host/management/all courses - one day training courses aligned to level 2 customer service competence qualifications within the English Tourist Board’s (ETB) welcome family suite of courses for staff to develop their skills in customer service - welcome host is all about improving the welcome offered to visitors, welcome all is about providing a better service for customers with disabilities and special needs and welcome management is for those who have the responsibility for front line staff
- any customer service competence units
- any additional active leisure and learning competence units
- level 2 key skills awards (working with others; improving own learning and performance; problem solving)
Apprentices may use recognition of prior learning for one industry skill that was achieved up to 6 months prior to the commencement of the apprenticeship.
It is essential that the choice of qualification be based on the needs of the organisation and the need to provide the apprentice with the appropriate skills in their area of work.
Eligibility and entry to the programme
You must be a new employee, or an existing employee taking on a new role to take part in the programme. There are no formal entry requirements for learners undertaking this apprenticeship, however employers may apply their own criteria at recruitment.
Employers and training contractors must ensure that learners have the potential and opportunity to gain the apprenticeship successfully.
See also the DfE operational requirements.
Apprenticeship duration can vary and will be agreed between the apprentice, training contractor and employer.
Related knowledge
For this framework, you are required to complete one of the following employment awareness awards which includes the required employee rights and responsibilities units. Framework certification is issued on confirmation from the training contractor that the award has been completed.
- YMCA awards award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 500/6534/8
- 1st4sport award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 500/7337/0
- Active IQ award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 500/7367/9
- Highfield award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 600/4477/9
- Focus awards award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 601/4968/1
- City & Guilds award in employment awareness in active leisure and learning 500/6581/6
It is the responsibility of the training contractor/college to ensure that all components of this framework are delivered in accordance with apprenticeshipsni operational requirements.
The apprentice must be employed from day one.
Further information
The content of this framework (Framework No 33 Issue 15: 01/25) has been agreed by the Department for the Economy. For further information, contact: