Report a change in circumstances for Rate Rebate
Changes in your household or to your entitlement to Universal Credit could affect your Rate Rebate. You must tell Land & Property Services (LPS) immediately about any changes. You can do this online. You can also telephone LPS to report changes or contact the Rate Rebate team online.
Changes to your Universal Credit
You must tell LPS when:
- your Universal Credit stops
- your Universal Credit is suspended
Changes in your household
You must tell LPS when:
- you or your partner start getting Housing Benefit and Rate Relief
- you’re away from your property for more than 13 weeks
- the number of tenants or joint owners living in the property increases or decreases
Reporting changes to a rate account
The ratepayer is responsible for paying the rates. You need to tell Land & Property Services (LPS) about rate account changes such as:
- the ratepayer moves out of the property
- the ratepayer dies
You can report rate account changes online.
LPS might suspend or stop your Rate Rebate until they verify the change. You should also contact Universal Credit about changes in your circumstances.
Telling LPS about a temporary absence
To qualify for Rate Rebate, you must be responsible for rates on a property that you live in as your home.
You might still receive Rate Rebate during a temporary absence from your home. This absence must be less than 13 weeks. You must tell LPS about any temporary absence. You can’t report a temporary absence online and must contact LPS by telephone:
- 0300 200 7802
Changes to amount of Rate Rebate you receive
If the rates on your home increase or decrease, you might get more or less Rate Rebate. If the Rate Rebate amount changes, this will take effect from the date of the change.
LPS will be told of any new rating charge each April, so you don't need to report this change.
Overpayment of Rate Rebate
If you don’t tell LPS about a change in your circumstances, you might receive an overpayment of Rate Rebate. You must repay an overpayment to LPS.
Checking information about a change you report
When you tell LPS about a change in your circumstances, they’ll verify the information. They might need to contact you.
Asking for a property valuation before claiming Rate Rebate
If you live in a newly built property or a replacement dwelling that hasn’t been valued for rates, you can ask Land & Property Services (LPS) to do a valuation:
- Contact the Rate Rebate team online
- telephone 0300 200 7802
LPS will value the property and assess your rates from the date you moved in or bought the property. If you want to claim Rate Rebate following the valuation, you should tell LPS when you ask for the valuation.
Reconsideration of your claim for Rate Rebate
If you aren’t satisfied with the decision LPS made about your Rate Rebate claim, you can ask them for a Reconsideration.
A Reconsideration must be requested within three months of the date on your notification letter.
Withdrawing your Rate Rebate claim
You can withdraw your claim at any time by logging into your online account. If you apply for Rate Rebate and then withdraw your claim, LPS won’t process your claim. If you’re already receiving Rate Rebate and then withdraw your claim, LPS will cancel your claim from the withdrawal date.
If you receive further Rate Rebate after the withdrawal, this is an overpayment. You must repay overpaid Rate Rebate to LPS.
Reapplying for Rate Rebate
If your claim has been made ineligible or cancelled and your circumstances change, you can reapply via your online account.