Multiply – Adult numeracy programme
Multiply is a free adult numeracy programme aimed at improving adult numeracy skills, confidence with numbers and career prospects.
How does Multiply work
Multiply offers free courses and activities that fit around people’s lives, ranging from a few hours to several weeks. It’s designed to help people looking to boost their career, support family learning, get new qualifications or manage their finances better.
Multiply initiatives are being delivered by colleges, universities and local councils in partnership with voluntary and community organisations.
The Multiply programme is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is being delivered in Northern Ireland by the Department for Economy.
Who is eligible
Adults aged 19 and over and who do not currently hold a Grade C or Level 2 GCSE in Mathematics can apply.
There are some exceptions to the criteria above:
- if you are aged 17-19 and not in employment, education or training you should speak to your local provider who will be able to advise you further
- if you have held a mathematics qualification for a number of years and never applied your learning, subject to a skills assessment, you may be able to take part in the Multiply programme
Multiply interventions
Bring Your Grown Up
Is for parents wanting to increase their numeracy skills to help their children and help with their own progression.
Counting On You - Industry upskilling
Are innovative programmes delivered together with employers – including courses designed to cover specific numeracy skills required in the workplace.
Maths for Speakers of Other Languages
Activities, courses, or provision developed in partnership with community organisations and other partners aimed at engaging the hardest to reach learners – for example, those not in the labour market or other groups identified locally as in need.
Numeracy Boot Camps
Courses and activities designed to help people use numeracy to manage their money.
Supporting Previous Offenders and those in Prison System
Courses aimed at prisoners, those recently released from prison or on temporary licence.
Multiply also provides funding for:
- Hypatia Programme - teacher training
- free numeracy materials
Multiply initiatives
Available courses and activities listed by provider
Courses and activities are available from colleges, universities and local councils.
Further information on specific courses can be found by using the information here:
Belfast Metropolitan College
- Century Diagnostic Learning Tool
- Multiply at the Met – Adult Returners
- Multiply at the Met - Industry upskill
- Multiply at the Met – Maths for Speakers of Other Languages
- Multiply at the Met - Supporting Previous Offenders and Those in the Prison System
Further information and details on how to apply is available by emailing:
Northern Regional College
- Beauty in Balance
- Century Boost
- Creative Dimensions
- Empowering Learners - Dyscalculia
- Feeding a Family
- GCSE Maths for Adult Learners
- Health Measures
- Industry Upskilling – OCN NI Level 2 Award in Digital Marketing
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages - English by Numbers
- Maths Tutorials
- Numeracy Bootcamps - Online Selling
- Shapes and Shades
- Useful Ways to Manage Your Money
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
South Eastern Regional College
- An Introduction to Essential Skills Numeracy
- Digital Bootcamp Development & Delivery
- Dyscalculia Training for Teachers & Parents
- Mastering Digital Metrics
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages - An Introduction to Numeracy for ESOL
- Number Boosts
Further information and details on how to apply is available at:
South West College
- Flexible Learning incorporating Gamification of Numeracy
- Intensive Support Workshops
Further information and details on how to apply is available at:
Open University
- OpenLearn Everyday Maths 1 and 2 Northern Ireland
Further information and details on how to apply is available by visiting:
Stranmillis University College
- StranX
Further information and details on how to apply is available from:
Ulster University
- Bring Your Grown Up
- Hypatia Programme (Teacher Training)
- Male Maths Mentorship
Further information and details on how to apply for Bring your Grown Up is available by emailing:
- Bring Your Grown UP and for Hypatia Programme and Mathematical Male Mentorship emailing
Further information on the Hypatia Programme and Mathematical Male Mentorship is available by emailing:
Antrim and Newtownabbey Borough Council
- A Foot in the Door
- Accounting for You
- Babbel Maths
- Bring Your Grown Up
- Counting on Lifelong Learning
- Numeracy Boot Camps – Community Organisations
- Numeracy Boot Camps – Disability
- Numeracy Boot Camps – Entrepreneurs/Businesses
Further information and details on how to apply is available by emailing:
Ards and North Down Borough Council
- Maths for everyday life – Budgeting – Cooking
- Maths for everyday life – Debt
- Maths for life
- Weave a Web and be Safe
Further information can be found at:
Multiply Adult Numeracy Programme - Ards and North Down Borough Council
Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council
- Family Fun through Numeracy Days
- Health and Wellbeing Bootcamp
- Health and Wellbeing Workshops for Speakers of other Languages
- Managing your Business’ Finances
- Understanding your Pension and Financial Planning
Further information and details on how to apply is available by emailing:
Belfast City Council
- Adults and Kids Together
- Basic Life Finances
- ESOL Supported Numeracy Qualifications
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages- Community Based Workshops
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages- Multiply your Choices
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages- Steps to Numeracy: Supporting the Newcomer Community
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages- Steps to Numeracy- Training for Trainers
- Multiply your Employment Choices
- Numbers in Motion: Transport & Logistics Numeracy Skills Boot Camp
- Numeracy Bootcamps: Basic Life Finances
- Numeracy Bootcamps – Irish Medium – Gaelmhata
- Practical Maths for Older Learners
- Solid Foundations: Numeracy Skills for the Construction Sector Boot Camp
- Supporting life-experienced learners
- Supporting Numeracy in the Classroom
- Supporting Older Learners
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council
- Age Friendly Numeracy
- Multilingual Math
- Multiply Your Workforce
- Numeracy At Risk
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
Derry City and Strabane District Council
- Integration Through Maths
- Progression through Numeracy
- Soft Landing Within the Community
Further information and details on how to apply is available at:
or by emailing:
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council
- Enhanced Learning for Industry
- Family Fun Days
- Financial Planning for Retirement Drop In days
- Financial Planning for Retirement Workshops
- Gamified Essential Skills Learning – Numeracy
- Interactive after-schools workshops
- Money Management for Speakers of Other Languages
- Money Matters Workshops
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council
- Community Additional Needs Numeracy Bootcamp
- Community Upskilling Numeracy Programme
- Gamified Learning Numeracy Programme
- Maths for Speakers of Other Languages and Mature Learner Community Numeracy Programme
- Numeracy Family Fun days
Further information and details on how to apply is available by emailing:
Mid and East Antrim Borough Council
- Community Numeracy Programme
- Digital Navigators – Numeracy & Digital Skills for Life
- ElevateX
- Energy Efficient Cooking
- Getting to Grips with Numeracy and IT
- Hill Walking Skills
- Math Explorers Workshops
- MEA Bootcamps - DIY, Sewing and Design and Gardening and Landscaping
- Multiply Mayhem! with W5
- Number Ninjas Maths Bootcamp
- Numeracy Fun Days
- Numeracy via Gaming
- Parent Numeracy Programme
- Personal Development Programme
- Refresh: Health, Traditional, Orienteering, Upcycling
- Summer Transfer Bootcamp
- Toddler Cook It
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
Mid Ulster District Council
- Enhanced Learning for Industry
- Family Fun Days
- Financial Planning for Retirement Drop In days
- Financial Planning for Retirement Workshops
- Financial Wellbeing 1-1 Bootcamps
- Financial Wellbeing 1-1 Workshops
- Financial Wellbeing Workshops for Speakers of Other Languages
- Gamified Learning – Numeracy
- Health and Nutrition 1-1 Bootcamps
- Health and Nutrition Small Group Workshops
- Money Matters Webinars
- Money Matters Workshops
Further information and details on how to apply can be found at:
Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
- Basic Bookkeeping
- Business Finance Essentials
- Count in English – maths and life in Northern Ireland
- Digital Financial Skills
- Excel with Excel
- Families Counting Together
- Know Your Numbers
- Make life easier with Maths
- Maths is for Life
- Numeracy Employability Academy Bolt Ons
- Starting with SAGE
- Taking Stock and Controlling Inventory
- Upskilling for Growth Bolt Ons
Further information and details on how to apply is available by emailing:
Further information
The UK Shared Prosperity Fund aims to improve pride in place and increase life chances across the UK by investing in communities and place and by supporting local business, people and skills.
For more information visit:
More useful links