Landlord Registration process
All private landlords in Northern Ireland must register before they let a new tenancy. If you don't register as a landlord, you may be committing an offence and could be fined up to £2,500.
Private landlords
Landlords who rent private properties to tenants in Northern Ireland must register and pay a registration fee.
You must provide accurate, current information about:
- yourself
- your properties
- joint owners
How to register
You can register:
- online
- by telephone: 0300 200 7821
- by telephone: +44 300 200 7821 (if calling from outside the UK)
- by asking for a paper form by emailing or phoning 0300 200 7821
The amount of time to complete online registration will depend on the number of properties you have.
It takes longer when using a paper registration form.
Information you must give when registering
To register as a landlord, you must provide:
- your full name
- your date of birth
- your address, email address, telephone numbers, including mobile telephone numbers
- a postal address that must be in Northern Ireland if different from above
- company registration number if the landlord is a company
- name, address and contact number of any agent acting on your behalf
- address and postcode for each property let or to be let
- year each property was built
- name and contact details of any joint owners
- house in multiple occupation registration certificate number if applicable to a property
Registration fee
You must complete the form and pay the fee.
The fee is:
- £70.00 for online or telephone registration
- £80.00 using a paper registration form
Landlord of a house in multiple occupation
You don't pay the landlord registration fee if you paid to register a house in multiple occupation under a House in Multiple Occupation Registration Scheme.
Registering joint owners of a property
All joint owners are responsible for the property. If you have a conviction as the landlord, legal proceedings require that all owners are named.
To register a joint owner group, one landlord must act as lead landlord and:
- complete the registration process
- record the other joint owner landlords' names when prompted after selecting that the property is jointly owned
- record the keycode number created
- pay one registration fee
If you registered and created keycodes for other joint owners
If you registered as a landlord recently and created keycodes for other joint owner landlords:
- you must give each landlord their keycode
- you should ask them to register as a landlord as soon as possible
If you have a keycode and need to register as a joint owner landlord, go to:
Enforcement action against an unregistered landlord
All landlords who jointly own a property must register with the Landlord Registration Scheme. If you aren't registered, the council can take enforcement action against you including a fine or prosecution or both.
Voluntary information when registering
Under the Landlord Registration Scheme, you must give details listed above in "What information must I provide?"
For each property, you can provide voluntary information about:
- the number of reception rooms and bedrooms
- the type of heating
- the type of glazing/doors
- the energy performance
- whether you as the landlord would consider longer term/more secure leasing
Where relevant, the information gathered may be published to help landlords and tenants. No individual or group will be identifiable from any information published.
Landlords registered on the scheme
When registered, you'll receive a registration certificate with a unique registration number.
You will also receive advice, guidance and links to information about the private rented sector.
Landlords who don't register or provide false or partial information
You commit an offence if you don’t register or you provide false or partial information on the landlord register.
If you don't register as a landlord, the council can:
- issue you with a fixed penalty up to £500
- prosecute you in court where you could be fined up to £2,500
If you live in private rented accommodation and your landlord isn’t registered with the scheme, you can ask the local council to investigate.
Renewing your registration
Your registration lasts three years from the date of your first registration. You need to register every three years to make sure the information held is accurate and current.
To renew your landlord registration online, go to:
- Register as a landlord or renew your landlord registration
- select Manage my registration
- enter email and password
You can also renew your registration by telephone:
- 0300 200 7821
When renewing your registration, you must give details of any joint owners.
Your details change before the renewal date
Although landlords don’t need to update their details after registration, you can update your registration information to make sure the register is accurate.
You can also manage or amend registration information about your agent online or by telephone.
There is no fee to amend your details on the register.
Lost certificate or registration number
To request a replacement certificate, or find your registration number, go to:
You can print a copy of your certificate, or contact the helpline:
- telephone: 0300 200 7821
There is no fee for a replacement certificate.