Caring for someone who is nearing the end of life
You and the person you care for could get financial, practical and emotional support. This could include entitlement to disability or employment allowances.
Financial support
You, or the person you care for, may be entitled to some financial support.
There are certain allowances paid to people with disabilities.
The person you care for may be entitled to:
- Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if they are under State Pension age and need help with personal care or getting around
- Attendance Allowance if they are State Pension age or over and need help with personal care
- Employment and Support Allowance if they are under state pension age and have an illness or disability which affects their ability to work
When the person you care for is nearing the end of life and their doctor or medical professional advises they might have less than 12 months to live, they may:
- get benefits at a higher rate or get extra money
- start getting payments quicker than usual
This is sometimes called ‘special rules for end of life’.
Information on how to apply is detailed for each benefit using the links below:
Carer's Allowance
As a carer, you may be entitled to Carer's Allowance.
You can continue getting this for:
- up to 12 weeks if the person you care for goes into hospital
- up to four weeks if they go into a care home (provided certain conditions are met)
If the person you care for dies, Carer's Allowance usually stops after eight weeks.
Practical support
There is support available from different organisations for carers. It's important that you have enough practical and emotional support in your caring role.
Support from social services
The social services department of your local Health and Social Care Trust may provide social care services and equipment to people nearing the end of life.
Assessments from the Trust
An assessment with social services is the first step to getting help and support for yourself and the person you care for.
The person you care for is entitled to a health and social care assessment. As a carer, you are entitled to a carer's assessment.
Emotional support
Although friends and family can provide emotional support at this difficult time, you may find it easier to talk to a professional counsellor or other carers in a similar position.
The person you're caring for and other family members may also benefit from counselling.
Support groups for carers
There may be support groups for carers in your local area. This could give you the opportunity to talk to other people in the same situation as yourself.
Help with caring for someone at home
There are different options to help you care for someone at home.
Medical and nursing care
If the person you care for needs specialist medical or nursing care so they can continue living at home, you can arrange this through their GP.
Services that may be available include:
- visits from a district or community nurse to change dressings, give injections or help with bathing or toileting
- help getting the person in and out of bed
Services available can vary between trusts.
Short-term breaks
Both you and the person you care for may benefit if you can take a short-term break from caring occasionally. This is known as "respite care".
You can arrange short-term breaks through your local Trust, following an assessment of need.
Employing a professional carer
If you're caring for someone who needs a lot of care, you could employ a professional carer or carers to share the caring role with you.
Alternatives to caring for someone at home
Hospice care
Hospices are residential units that provide care for people who are nearing the end of life and offer support to those who care for them.
Hospices specialise in palliative care, which aims to make the end of a person's life as comfortable as possible and to relieve their symptoms when a cure is not possible.
Hospices have doctors, nurses, social workers, counsellors and trained volunteers.
Many hospices offer bereavement counselling.
Hospice staff can visit people at home and are often on call 24 hours a day.
It is also possible for patients to receive day care at the hospice without moving in, or to stay for a short period to give their carers a break.
There is no charge for hospice care. The person you care for must be referred to a hospice through their GP, hospital doctor or district nurse.
In Northern Ireland, hospice care is provided by:
Hospital care
There might be times when a person nearing the end of life needs to go into hospital.
If the person you care for is coming home after a hospital stay, your local Trust will meet any continuing health and social care needs.
The person's needs should be assessed before they return home and a care package arranged for them.
Care homes
If the person you care for needs care and support they cannot get in their own home, they might need care in a residential or nursing home.
Helping the person you care for prepare for death
It's natural for someone who is nearing the end of life to want to sort out their affairs. Information about making a will is available at:
When the person you care for dies
There are things to consider if you care for a person nearing the end of life.
What to do after a death
When someone dies, you will need to do certain things immediately, or within the first few days and weeks.
Bereavement counselling
When someone close to you dies, you may benefit from specialist bereavement counselling.
The charity Cruse Bereavement Care can advise you about seeing a counsellor.
Benefits and bereavement
If the person you care for dies, Carer's Allowance will usually stop after eight weeks.
If your spouse or civil partner dies, you may be able to claim Bereavement Support Payment, which is financial help to deal with the immediate costs caused by the death of a partner.