Employment and Support Allowance
Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) offers support and financial help so you can do suitable work if you are able to. It gives you access to a Work Coach and services including employment, training and condition management support to help you manage your illness or disability at work.
This information is for Northern Ireland only.
If you live in England, Scotland or Wales visit: GOV.UK benefits
ESA will never call you from the number 0800 587 1377. This is the inbound calls number for the ESA Centre.
If you receive a call from this number you should not answer.
Eligibility for ESA
You may be able to claim ESA if any of the following apply:
- your Statutory Sick Pay has ended or you can't get it
- you're employed, self-employed, unemployed or a student on Disability Living Allowance or Personal Independence Payment
- you've been getting Statutory Maternity Pay (SMP) and have not gone back to work for your employer because you've an illness or disability which affects your ability to work
- you are under State Pension age
- you are not getting Jobseeker’s Allowance
You must also either:
- have had an illness or disability which affects your ability to work
- be unable to work for two or more days out of seven consecutive days
- be getting special medical treatment
There are three types of ESA:
- new style
- contribution-based
- income-related
'New style' and contribution-based ESA
If you are claiming or have made a claim to Universal Credit you may be entitled to ESA, known as ‘new style’ ESA.
Entitlement to payment of 'New style' ESA is dependent on your National Insurance contributions and works in the same way as contribution-based ESA. Your partner’s income and savings won’t affect how much new style ESA you’re paid.
You can get new style or contribution-based ESA on its own or at the same time as Universal Credit. If you get both at the same time, your ESA payment will be deducted from your Universal Credit payment – you aren’t guaranteed to get any extra money.
Income-related ESA has also been replaced by Universal Credit.
How long you’ll get ESA for
‘New style’ and contribution-based ESA last for 365 days if you’re in the work-related activity group.
There’s no time limit if you’re in the support group, or if you’re getting income-related ESA.
To keep getting ESA you must report any change in your (or your partner’s) circumstances and maintain the conditions of entitlement. You may also need to send fit notes regularly.
Change of circumstances
By change of circumstances it means that you must let the ESA centre know if:
- your personal details change
- you have a new health condition, or your existing condition gets better or worse
- you or your partner’s work situation changes
- the amount of money coming into your house changes
- there are changes to who lives in your house
- you are involved in a trade dispute, or cannot work because of a trade dispute
- you go into or leave hospital if your stay is for more than 4 weeks
- you go into prison or legal custody
- you go abroad or are about to go abroad
- your partner dies
This list is not exhaustive and other changes in your circumstances may affect your benefit. Contact the ESA Centre if you are not sure whether you need to report a change.
If you do not report a change of circumstances straight away then you could be paid the wrong amount of ESA. You may have to pay back any money you are overpaid, pay a financial penalty or go to court.
If you have a terminal illness
If your doctor doesn’t think you’ll live for more than 12 months, there are special rules to make sure you get the most money you can. If this applies to you, contact the ESA Centre.
If you've been living or working abroad
This can affect your ESA claim. You may be able to claim if you've either:
- paid enough UK National Insurance Contributions in the past (and the same in certain other countries)
- worked abroad for an employer based in the UK and paid National Insurance contributions for the first 52 weeks of that employment
Moving between Northern Ireland and Great Britain
If you move you must tell the ESA Centre of the change of address on arrival in your new location.
ESA claim process
For new ESA claims, there are of two phases:
- the assessment phase
- the main phase
The assessment phase
This lasts for the first 13 weeks of your claim while a decision is made on your capability for work through a Work Capability Assessment. During this phase, ESA is paid at a basic rate.
You will usually need to supply medical certificates (also known as sick lines or doctor’s notes) throughout the assessment phase.
The main phase
This phase starts from week 14 of your claim. Your Work Capability Assessment will decide which of the following two groups you are placed in during the main phase of your claim:
- work-related activity group
- support group
Work-related activity group
In this group, you will be expected to take part in work-focused interviews with your Work Coach. You'll get support to help you prepare for suitable work.
It may affect your entitlement to ESA if you refuse to go to, or fully take part in, the work-focused interviews.
If your claim was made before 3 April 2017, you will be paid a ‘work-related activity part’ as well as your basic rate.
If your claim was made on or after 3 April 2017 and does not link to a previous ESA claim, you will not be paid a ‘work-related activity part’.
Support Group
In this group, because your illness or disability severely affects your ability to work, you will not be expected to take part in any work. You can do so on a voluntary basis if you want to.
You do not have to go to work-focused interviews either but you can ask to talk to a Work Coach if you want to.
You will be paid a ‘support part’ as well as the basic rate.
How to claim
This guidance is for Northern Ireland residents only.
You can claim ESA online, by telephone, text-phone or posting a claim form.
As part of your claim for this benefit, or a review of an existing claim, you may need to go to a face-to-face health assessment. Read how to safely go to a face-to-face health assessment.
Claim by telephone or text-phone
You can phone or text-phone the ESA Centre and an adviser will talk through the application with you and fill in the form on your behalf.
If you use sign language, you might be able to use the video relay service to contact the ESA Centre using British Sign Language (BSL) or Irish Sign Language (ISL). To access the service go to:
Text-phones are for people who find it hard to speak or hear clearly. They can only receive calls made from other text-phones.
If you do not have a text-phone but need to use one, try your local library or an advice centre like Advice NI.
Repeat claims
In most cases, you won’t be eligible for ESA again if you were previously found capable of doing some work after your Work Capability Assessment. The main exceptions are when:
- your current condition has got a lot worse
- you’re claiming for a new condition
ESA rates
The amount you get paid depends on your circumstances and on what effect your disability has on your ability to work. In most cases you will not get any money for the first seven days of your claim. These are called 'waiting days'.
Assessment phase
Person | Weekly rate |
a single person aged under 25 | up to £71.70 |
a single person aged 25 and over | up to £90.50 |
Main phase
Group | Person | Date of claim | Weekly rate |
Work related activity group | Single person | Before 3 April 2017 | Up to £126.45 |
Work related activity group | Single person | On or after 3 April 2017 | Up to £90.50 |
Support group | Single person | Not Applicable | Up to £138.20 |
For information on other benefits you may be entitled to, use the online benefits calculator.
Income related ESA
For income-related ESA:
- your household income, pension and any savings of £6,000 or more are taken into account (if you're permanently in residential care this increases to £10,000)
- depending on your circumstances you may be able to get more money if you get income-related ESA
- you can only get extra money for your husband, wife or civil partner if you get income-related ESA
Pension income rules
If you receive contribution-based ESA and have a gross pension income of more than £85 a week, the amount of benefit payable will be reduced by half of the excess.
The excess is the difference between £85 and the actual pension income. For example, for a pension income of £100, the excess is £15. The amount of ESA payable is reduced by half of that, which is £7.50.
If you receive income-related ESA, any pension income you have will be taken into account, regardless of the amount.
Cost of Living Support Payment 2023/2024
A Cost of Living Support package has been put in place that includes one-off payments to those on income related benefits, disabled claimants and pensioners. These payments are intended to provide support with the current rise in the cost of living.
Find out more about Cost of Living support
Income Tax
Income-related ESA is not taxable.
Contribution-based ESA is taxable so you may have to pay tax. How much tax you have to pay, if any, depends on whether you receive any other income, for example, an occupational pension.
Depending on your circumstances, you may get a new tax code.
How ESA is paid
All benefits, pensions and allowances are paid into an account. This is the safest, most convenient and efficient method of payment.
Permitted work
You may be able to do some types of work while claiming ESA but within certain limits. This is called 'permitted work'. Information on permitted work and how to apply is available at the following link:
Work Capability Assessment
When you claim ESA, you will take part in a Work Capability Assessment. This assesses how your illness or disability affects your ability to work.
If you’re claiming both Universal Credit and new style ESA, you’ll only go to one Work Capability Assessment.
Capability for work questionnaire (for all claims)
You will complete a capability for work questionnaire (ESA50) about how your condition affects your ability to complete everyday tasks.
Your own doctor may be asked to provide a medical report.
If more information is needed before a decision on your claim is made, you will be asked to go to a face-to-face medical assessment.
If you have a mental health condition, this may include questions about how your condition could affect:
- your mood
- the way you behave
- the way you relate to the world around you
- how you cope with things from day to day
Medical assessment (for some claims)
If you've been asked to take part in a medical assessment, it's very important you do so as your benefit may be affected if you don't.
Your appointment
You'll be given notice of your appointment and the option to change it.
It will usually take place at a medical centre near your home. If you're unfit to travel or live more than a 90-minute journey from the nearest centre, the healthcare professional may visit you at home.
For the appointment, you can:
- have a friend, relative or support worker with you
- ask for an interpreter if you need one
- ask to be assessed by a healthcare professional of the same gender as yourself
You need to let the medical centre know ahead of time if you want an interpreter or healthcare professional of the same gender. They will try to find one for you, although this may not always be possible.
Before the medical assessment
To prepare for the assessment, you should think about:
- what everyday tasks you have difficulty with or are unable to do
- if you can do more on some days than others, what a typical day is like for you
- how your illness or disability affects your ability to work
- what support you think you need to improve your ability to work
What to bring to the assessment
You should bring your passport as identification.
If you do not have a passport, you must bring three of the following documents:
- birth certificate
- full driving licence
- life assurance policy
- recent bank statements
You should also bring pills or medication you're taking and any simple aids or appliances you use, such as glasses or hearing aids.
At the assessment
The medical assessment is to assess how your illness or disability affects you and your ability to work. It is not to diagnose or discuss treatment.
It involves an interview and sometimes a physical examination. You should allow around 50 minutes for the assessment.
The interview
This will normally cover:
- what you did in your old job (if you had one), and when and why you left
- a brief medical history, including details of treatment, medication and any hospital stays
- your domestic situation - who you live with and what type of house you live in
- how your illness or disability affects how you are able to carry out everyday tasks
- an outline of a typical day for you
If you're claiming ESA because of a mental health problem or a physical illness or disability that could affect your mental health, you may be asked about:
- understanding and focus
- adapting to change
- social interaction
The physical examination
If a physical examination is needed, the healthcare professional will first explain what is involved and check you're happy it goes ahead.
You will not be asked to carry out any action that causes you discomfort.
The medical assessment report
After the assessment, the healthcare professional will complete an ESA85 report. You can request a copy from the ESA Centre.
If you are unhappy with the medical assessment, you can complain to Medical Support Services. The complaints' procedure is explained in the letter you received about your medical assessment.
You can also complain to the approved healthcare professional at the time of the assessment. If they cannot resolve the problem, they will give you information on the formal complaints' procedure.
Severe conditions
Your condition(s) will be assessed against criteria as part of the Work Capability Assessment to identify if any reassessment is required. Those with the most severe lifelong disabilities, illness, or health conditions may not require any future reassessment.
You will be informed if you will no longer be routinely assessed.
Receiving a decision on your ESA claim
The ESA Centre will review your capability for work questionnaire, medical assessment and other information provided, and make a decision on your claim.
You will receive a letter stating the decision. If you are entitled to ESA, it will tell you if you are being placed in the Work Related Activity Group or Support Group.
All medical information about your claim is confidential and will not be released to anyone outside the Department for Communities (DfC) without your consent.
Should the healthcare professional want to send information about your medical assessment to your doctor, Medical Support Services (who organise medical examinations on behalf of the DfC), will write to you requesting your consent.
SMS messages
When claiming ESA you may receive text messages (SMS) from the Department for Communities (DfC). They will always be clearly marked as DfC and will never ask you to give, or click a link to give, personal information or financial details by message or email.
If you’re concerned or unsure about any text messages (SMS) you receive from about ESA you should contact the ESA Centre directly. If you suspect you have received a fraudulent message as a scam, contact the ESA Centre immediately.
- Further information is available at: scamwiseni
How to appeal
If you are refused ESA or if you have questions about your payment, you can ask that the decision is looked at again. If you're still unhappy with the outcome, you can appeal. Your decision letter will provide more information on how to dispute the decision.
Help with housing costs
If you receive ESA and have a mortgage, remortgage or home loan, you may be able to get a loan to help towards the interest payments.
Get a proof of benefit letter for ESA
A proof of benefit letter may be needed to access various government supports and services.
If you need proof that you are getting ESA you can get a proof of benefit letter
If you cannot use the online service, contact the ESA Centre
Benefit over-payments
There are circumstances when you may be paid too much benefit and you will be asked to repay this. To make a repayment contact Debt Management.
If you require further support contact Debt Management as soon as possible to discuss an affordable repayment plan and other potential options.