Flu vaccine
Flu occurs every year, usually in the winter. Sometimes flu can lead to serious illnesses or make existing conditions worse. The best way to protect yourself is to get the free seasonal flu vaccine if you are eligible. The flu vaccine is now available in Northern Ireland.
Flu vaccine and COVID-19
Flu vaccination is important because:
- more people are likely to get flu this winter as fewer people will have built up natural immunity to it during the COVID-19 pandemic
- if you get flu and COVID-19 at the same time, research shows you're more likely to be seriously ill
- getting vaccinated against flu and COVID-19 will provide protection for you and those around you for both these serious illnesses
COVID-19 vaccine
Some people may be eligible for both the flu and the COVID-19 vaccines.
If you're offered both vaccines, it's safe to have them at the same time.
More information about the COVID-19 vaccine and who can get it is available at this link:
People who should get the vaccine
Some people are at greater risk from the effects of flu and should get the vaccine when offered it. You can get the flu vaccination for free if you:
- are pregnant
- are aged 50 and over on 31 March 2025, even if you feel fit and healthy
- live in a residential or nursing home
- have an illness or underlying health condition (including children from six months of age)
- are a health and social worker
- are a carer
- are a close contact of someone who is immunocompromised
It is also free for:
- all preschool children aged two to four years on 1 September 2024
- all primary and secondary school children (up to and including year 12)
- high risk poultry and avian animal health workers
Exposure to avian influenza
You are also offered the flu vaccine if you are at higher risk of infection with avian influenza because of your work or similar exposures, such as bird culling or cleaning at confirmed avian influenza outbreak premises or handling live unwell birds.
While the vaccine doesn't protect against bird flu, it can reduce the risk of a new flu virus forming, which could happen if someone is exposed to flu and bird flu at the same time.
Workers employed at, or regularly visiting, statutorily-registered poultry units and poultry processing units, are also eligible if they have direct exposure to bird faeces or litter, such as through initial egg sorting or cleaning of premises, and people involved in the collection of wild bird carcasses where avian influenza is suspected.
Annual flu vaccination programme
The annual flu vaccination programme also includes:
- all preschool children aged two year to four years old on 1 September
- children at primary school and secondary school (up to and including Year 12)
- carers – if you care for another person, you should be vaccinated so you can continue caring for them
- health and social care (HSC) workers
- staff in independent care homes, hospices and domiciliary care providers
- close contacts of immuno-compromised individuals
You can receive your vaccine now from a:
- Trust clinic
- participating community pharmacy
- your GP
People with illnesses or health conditions
Children over six months old and adults should get the vaccine if they have:
- a chronic chest condition such as asthma
- a chronic heart condition
- chronic liver disease
- chronic kidney disease
- diabetes
- lowered immunity due to disease or treatment, such as steroids or cancer therapy
- a chronic neurological condition, such as stroke, multiple sclerosis or a condition that affects the nervous system such as cerebral palsy
- a very high body weight (BMI greater than 40)
- any other serious medical condition, ask your doctor if you're unsure
Flu vaccine for children
The annual flu vaccination programme includes:
- all pre-school children aged two years and over (offered in GP surgeries)
- all children at primary school (offered in schools)
- all children in Years 8 to 12 in secondary school (offered in schools)
- children aged six months to two years with underlying health conditions (offered in GP surgeries)
- children aged 16 and 17 years with underlying health conditions (offered in GP surgeries)
Children should also get the flu vaccine if:
- they were previously in hospital with a chest infection
- they go to a school for children with severe learning difficulty
Health and social care workers
All health and social care workers can receive the flu vaccine.
You can get the vaccine:
- from your employer (if your employer offers this service
- at a participating community pharmacy
- from your local Trust
- your GP
Protection against common flu strains
Each year the flu vaccine protects against the three most common strains of flu.
You are more at risk from flu complications if you fall into any of the categories listed above.
In the worst cases, flu can result in a stay in hospital, or even death.
You should get the vaccine, even if you got it last year and you feel fit and healthy now.
By getting the vaccine you are protecting yourself and others, who may be more vulnerable than you.
You are also helping to protect the healthcare system at a time when it is under strain due to the coronavirus pandemic.
How the flu vaccine works
The flu vaccine cannot give you flu, nor will it make you more vulnerable to COVID-19. The vaccine is made from small parts of the flu virus.
Seven to 14 days after you get the vaccine, your body makes antibodies to the vaccine viruses. These antibodies help protect you against flu.
Flu vaccine and allergic reactions
If you had an anaphylactic reaction to a previous flu vaccine, you may not be able to get the flu vaccine. The healthcare worker giving the flu vaccines will be able to tell you if this is the case.
If you have any other allergies, for example, egg or latex, there may be only certain types of flu vaccines that you can get and you should discuss any allergies that you have with your GP or nurse administering the flu vaccine.
Flu vaccine in pregnancy
Flu infection during pregnancy can be very harmful to mother and baby. Serious complications include:
- pneumonia
- heart problems
- lung problems
The flu vaccine is safe for pregnant women and their babies. If you're pregnant, you should get the vaccine to protect you and your baby from flu, regardless of your stage of pregnancy.
You can get the vaccine:
- from your GP
- at a participating community pharmacy
- from your local HSC Trust
Where to get the flu vaccine
When and where you get your vaccine will depend on which group you belong to:
- residents and staff in care homes will be offered their flu vaccine by a local community pharmacy
- risk groups (except those in primary and secondary schools) will be invited to get the vaccine by their GP, or can get it from a community pharmacy
- preschool children will be offered the vaccine by their GP
- all children in primary and secondary school (up to Year 12), including children in risk groups, will get the vaccine in school, if their parents sign and return the consent form
- pregnant women can get the vaccine from their GP, a participating community pharmacy or their local HSC Trust (either from a vaccination or antenatal clinic)
- household contacts of those of who are immuno-compromised should contact their GP to get the vaccine or from a participating community pharmacy
- carers should contact their GP or can get the vaccine from a participating community pharmacy
- health and social care workers should get the vaccine through their employer (if employer offers the service), their local HSC Trust, or from a participating community pharmacy
- those aged 50 and over will be invited to get the vaccine by their GP or can get the vaccine from a participating community pharmacy
- all those who are housebound will be referred by their GP to their local HSC Trust, and will be vaccinated at home, by the Trust vaccination team
You can find out which HSC Trust clinics and community pharmacies are offering vaccinations near you by putting in your post code at the following link: