Landlord Registration Scheme
The Landlord Registration Scheme collects and maintains accurate information on landlords and their properties. By law, all private landlords in Northern Ireland must register with the Landlord Registration Scheme.
Landlords who need to register
All landlords who let properties under a private tenancy in Northern Ireland must register. You must provide accurate and up-to-date information about yourself and your properties.
Central register of private landlords
There is one register of private landlords and registered rented properties. A central register of private landlords:
- allows tenants, neighbours and local councils to identify if landlords are registered
- provides information on the number of landlords in Northern Ireland and allows landlords to receive regular updates on the duties and responsibilities of landlords and tenants
- provides education and support to landlords
It improves tenants’ confidence in their landlords and increase landlords’ accountability by:
- promoting good practice
- ensuring the right advice and help is available
Searching for landlord registration information
You can search the register to see if a landlord is registered by entering the landlord’s name or information about the property.
To find out if a property is registered, you need the property details.
If you live in private rented accommodation and your landlord isn’t registered with the scheme, you can ask the local council to investigate.
Access to landlord registration information
The Registrar is in charge of the information. When asked, they can give information to:
- a district council
- the Department of Finance (DoF) for rates
- the Housing Executive for administering housing benefit and regulating houses in multiple occupation
- the Department for Communities (DfC) for Welfare Supplementary Payment and the housing element in Universal Credit
How the information can be used
The information you provide as a landlord will be used:
- to issue your Certificate of Registration which is valid for three years from the date of registration and contains your unique registration number
- to tell you eight weeks before your current registration expires
- to show people searching the register if you're registered as a landlord
- to process payments
- to allow district councils, DoF, the Housing Executive and DfC carry out their legal duties
To read more about what your personal information is used for, go to:
Landlord registration fee
You pay one fee to register all the properties you own and rent to tenants. You can register online or use a printed form: You must pay:
- £70.00 online registration fee
- £80.00 paper registration fee
Online registration is cheaper to process. Paper registration costs more to process.
How to register
You can register:
- online
- by telephone: 0300 200 7821
- by telephone: +44 300 200 7821 (if calling from outside the UK)
- by asking for a paper form by emailing or phoning 0300 200 7821
What the fee pays for
Fees pay the running costs of the Landlord Registration Scheme which provides:
- access to advice and guidance
- links to information about the private rented sector
Landlords who don't have to pay the registration fee
A landlord doesn't have to pay the registration fee if you registered a house in multiple occupation (HMO) under the House in Multiple Occupation Registration Scheme.
To make sure you aren't charged the landlord registration fee, you must include the HMO and the HMO number when registering other properties you rent to tenants.