Contact Consumerline to make a complaint or ask for advice
You can use this service to make a complaint against a trader, report a fraud or ask about your consumer rights. Consumerline are unable to accept personal callers at their office.
To introduce a new case management system, Consumerline's telephony and online web form services will be unavailable from Monday 31 March to Monday 7 April 2025 (inclusive). Consumerline apologises for any inconvenience.
Before you start
To fill in this online form, you will be asked to give details of your complaint or enquiry:
- describe what happened and when it happened
- give contact details for the trader or company
- state if you have made contact with the trader and if they have replied
This online service is not available at weekends from 4.00 pm on Friday to 9.00 am on Monday.
Privacy notice
You can find out how any personal information you give when using this service will be handled by viewing the Consumerline privacy notice and the Trading Standards Service privacy notice.
More information
Once sent, a Consumerline advisor will consider your query and give you clear and practical advice.
If suitable, Consumerline will forward details of any complaint to the Trading Standards Service for investigation.
You can also contact Consumerline by telephone:
- phone: 0300 123 6262 (9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday and 9.00 am to 4.00 pm Friday)