Chat with Careers Service
If you're looking for careers information, or need advice to help you make informed career choices, chat online and get impartial advice about your career options.
Careers webchat is available from 9.30 am to 4.30 pm from Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, or if staff are unavailable, you can visit ask questions online.
To find out how the Careers Service gathers and safeguards your personal information, see the Careers Service’s privacy notice.
Additional information
When you begin a chat session a new browser window will open. At the end of your session, return to the website by clicking the 'exit' button.
You may notice slight time delays during the conversation while an adviser is finding out the right information for you.
When all advisers are busy, requests for webchat are kept in a queuing system. Don't open more than one window at a time. This will not shorten your wait as the web chat you opened first will be the first to be answered. Be patient during busy times.
Contact the Careers Service
To contact your local careers office visit:
Careers in England, Scotland and Wales
The Careers Service offers advice about careers in Northern Ireland. For information about courses or careers in other parts of the UK visit: