OSNI Open Data product list
You can access and download some OSNI products free of charge. OSNI Open Data products are free to download, use and share with an Open Data licence.
Using Open Data
OSNI Open Data gives you free online access to mapping products you can use to:
- analyse data
- build interactive websites and apps
- create images, charts and graphics
OSNI products in Open Data
In the Open Data portal, you can download free OSNI products listed below.
OSNI Open Data 1:1000,000 scale raster
This raster is the smallest scale OSNI raster product giving an overview of Northern Ireland. It shows main roads, towns and cities, mountain areas, parliamentary and county boundaries, suitable for background mapping.
OSNI Open Data Bench Mark and Spot Height data
This data contains locations and values for bench marks and spot heights in Northern Ireland. This data should be used only as a guide. Current height information is contained in the OSNI Digital Terrain Models.
OSNI Open Data street name gazetteer
This street listing contains the name and Irish Grid coordinates for all streets in Northern Ireland.
OSNI Open Data placenames gazetteer
A gazetteer is a geographical index. The placenames gazetteer lists 336 towns and villages in Northern Ireland.
OSNI Open Data boundary map, regional map and global map
Three fully attributed small scale reference datasets to the European Spatial Data Infrastructure and form part of the EuroGlobalMap, EuroRegionalMap and EuroBoundaryMap products. These datasets that contain Northern Ireland data, are ideal for a range of planning, monitoring and presentational uses, including environmental policies, marketing planning and network analysis.
OSNI Open Data street maps - raster
OSNI street maps show detailed information, including road names and one-way systems, railway lines, car parking, public telephones, public buildings, churches and schools, for Northern Ireland’s main cities and towns.
OSNI Open Data 1:50,000 administrative boundaries vector
The boundary data at 1:50,000 scale has information for counties, townlands, current 2008 parliamentary constituencies and 1993 administrative boundaries for local government districts, district electoral areas and wards. The data is suitable as an overview not detailed analysis.
OSNI Open Data largescale vector boundary data
OSNI largescale boundary data includes distinct historic and administrative boundaries. It contains county and townland boundaries as well as administrative boundaries for current 2008 parliamentary constituencies, and historic 1993 and current 2012 local government districts, district electoral areas and wards. They are accurate at property and street level making them suitable for detailed analysis.
OSNI Open Data Éire Thuaidh (Ireland North) 1:250,000
This digital image is a map of Northern Ireland showing placenames in English and Irish.
OSNI Open Data local government districts and wards 2012
These raster maps show the current 2012 administrative boundaries for local government districts and wards.
OSNI Open Data parliamentary constituency 2008
A set of raster maps showing the boundaries for current 2008 parliamentary constituencies and wards. The 2008 parliamentary constituencies are based on 1993 wards.
OSNI Open Data 1:50,000 road network vector
OSNI 1:50,000 road network vector includes roads and rail detail for all Northern Ireland. The data includes railways, motorways, A class, B class and minor roads.
OSNI Open Data 1:50,000 townland raster
This set of raster maps at 1:50,000 scale shows base mapping with settlements, roads, townland names and boundaries.
OSNI Open Data 10m and 50m digital terrain models
A digital terrain model (DTM) is a digital file with a grid of regularly spaced points of known height which, when used with other digital data such as maps or orthophotographs, can provide a 3D image of the land surface. OSNI Open Data 10m and 50m digital terrain models are available.
OSNI Open Data midscale raster
A series of maps at 1:10,000 scale show base mapping for Northern Ireland. These raster maps can be used with other maps or information to enhance the mapping.
OSNI GPS Rinex Data
This service, hosted by Ordnance Survey Ireland, provides a free download of data collected from the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) stations in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. It has hourly RINEX GNSS files.