Dangers of buying fake goods
Date published:
Be alert to the dangers of buying counterfeit goods, particularly health and safety risks. Fake goods may seem like a bargain but they can be dangerous and also could be funding organised crime.
Anyone buying counterfeit goods may see the sub-standard materials and replica logos as a small price to pay for cut-price 'designer' brands.
However, not only can many of the products cause harm, but profits from the sales may be used to help pay for other illegal activities such as drug dealing and human trafficking.
Thousands of websites are dedicated to the sale of counterfeit goods.
To stay safer online, be aware not just of what you're buying but also that using these sites to buy something leaves you open to:
- identity fraud
- having your devices and bank accounts compromised
Report sale of suspected fake goods
To report the sale of suspect counterfeit goods contact:
- Action Fraud online or on 0300 123 2040
- Consumerline online or on 0300 123 6262
- Crimestoppers
- or contact PSNI on 101 or online