Be cautious and know your rights when shopping online
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Do some research
Bad online shopping experiences can range from slow or non-delivery of goods right through to scams where you could lose hundreds or thousands of pounds.
When shopping on a website, online marketplace or social media platform, it's not always easy to know who you're dealing with.
For example, just because a web address ends in '' there's no guarantee that the business is based in the UK. Check the seller has a UK contact address.
Before buying online, including if you're booking a holiday, research if there are any problems with the business you're thinking of dealing with.
Searching online using the business’s name followed by the word 'scam' can be particularly helpful. Also, search online reviews and forums.
Always check reviews and feedback on sellers. However, even some customer reviews can be fake.
Never rely on reviews from one website.
Your rights
When you buy goods online from a trader, the goods must be of satisfactory quality as described and fit for purpose.
If there's a problem with the item you could be entitled to a refund, replacement or repair.
A refund can be claimed for up to six months from when an item is bought if the goods can’t be repaired or replaced.
As well as this, you will normally have up to 14 days after receiving the goods to change your mind and get a refund.
However, when buying from a private seller you have no legal rights about the quality of goods - the goods must only be as described.
You need to be careful if taking advantage of deals on online marketplaces or on social media. Goods must be as described, but this is the only requirement.
You may have practical difficulties in sorting an issue if things go wrong. Sellers may also be overseas.
You can get more information at this link:
Before buying online
Before buying something online:
- make sure you know who the seller is and that you can find their trading address
- make sure the website you’re on is authentic and the payment page secure by checking that the address starts with ‘https’ and there’s a closed padlock in the address bar
- make sure the website offers a complaints process if there is a problem
- always pay by card or another secure method such as PayPal
- never pay by bank or money transfers, which are a preferred method by scammers
- use a credit card if buying an item over £100
- be careful the goods aren't counterfeit
- always read the small print if you see 'free' or 'low-cost' trial goods
- if it's events tickets, make sure you only buy from official websites
- always log out of an online shopping account once you've paid
- check the seller’s terms and conditions, including cancellation rights and any dispute resolution systems
- watch out for emails or texts from parcel delivery firms telling you to open an attachment for your delivery note - a real delivery firm wouldn’t send you that
- be cautious about links or attachments in unexpected emails or messages
If a business tells you that you have to make a transfer as their card facilities are down, then try another company.
How to complain about online shopping
To complain about an online shopping experience, or if you feel you're the victim of a scam or suspect a scam, contact Consumerline or make a complaint to or get advice from them online.