Kidney cancer
Kidney cancer, also called renal cancer, is one of the more common types of cancer in Northern Ireland. It usually affects adults aged in their 60s or 70s. See your GP if you have symptoms. Although it's unlikely you have cancer, it's important to get your symptoms checked out.
Symptoms of kidney cancer
There are several types of kidney cancer. This page has information on the most common type – renal cell carcinoma.
In many cases, there are no obvious symptoms of kidney cancer at first and it may only be picked up during tests carried out for another reason.
If symptoms do occur, they're often similar to those of less serious conditions, such as urinary tract infections (UTIs) or kidney stones.
Symptoms of kidney cancer can include:
- blood in your pee – your pee may be darker than normal or a reddish colour
- a persistent pain in your lower back or side, just below your ribs
- extreme tiredness (fatigue)
- loss of appetite and weight loss
- persistent high blood pressure
- a high temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above
- night sweats
Some symptoms may occur once the cancer is more advanced and has spread to other parts of the body, such as the bones or lungs.
These symptoms may include:
- bone pain
- coughing up blood
- swollen glands in your neck
- in men, swelling of the veins in the testicles
When to get medical advice
See your GP if you have symptoms of kidney cancer.
Although it's unlikely you have cancer, it's important to get your symptoms checked out.
Your GP will ask about your symptoms. They may test a sample of your urine to see if it contains blood or an infection.
If necessary, they can refer you to a hospital specialist for further tests to find out what the problem is.
Kidney cancer usually affects adults aged in their 60s or 70s and is rare in people under 50 years old.
It can often be cured if it's caught early.
But a cure probably won't be possible if it's not diagnosed until after it has spread beyond the kidney.
Causes of kidney cancer
The exact cause of kidney cancer is unknown, but some things can increase your chances of developing it:
These include:
- obesity – a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more - use the BMI calculator to work out your BMI
- smoking – the more you smoke, the greater the risk
- high blood pressure (hypertension)
- family history – you're more likely to get kidney cancer if you have a close relative with it
- genetic conditions – some inherited genetic conditions increase the risk of kidney cancer, such as Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome
- long-term dialysis – a treatment for kidney disease where a machine replicates some of the jobs of the kidneys
The best ways to reduce your risk of kidney cancer are:
- keeping a healthy weight
- a healthy blood pressure
- not smoking
Treatment for kidney cancer
If you are diagnosed with kidney cancer, your hospital consultant will talk to you about treatment options.
The treatment for kidney cancer depends on:
- the size of the cancer
- whether it has spread to other parts of the body
The main treatments are:
- surgery to remove part or all of the affected kidney
- cryotherapy or radiofrequency ablation – where the cancerous cells are destroyed by freezing or heating
- biological therapies – medications that help stop the cancer growing or spreading
- embolisation – a procedure to cut off the blood supply to the cancer
- Radiotherapy, using high-energy radiation to target cancer cells and relieve symptoms
Outlook for kidney cancer
The outlook for kidney cancer largely depends on:
- how big the tumour is
- how far it has spread by the time it's diagnosed
If the cancer is still small and hasn't spread beyond the kidney, surgery can often cure it.
Some small, slow growing cancers may not need treatment at first.
A cure isn't usually possible if the cancer has spread, although treatment can sometimes help keep it under control.
Some people become ill quickly, but others may live for several years and feel well despite their cancer.
In Northern Ireland, overall, more than seven in every 10 people live at least a year after diagnosis and more than five in 10 people live at least 10 years.
Read more about kidney cancer, including incidence and survival statistics on Northern Ireland Cancer Registry website.
Further information, advice and support is available if you need it from:
More useful links
- Northern Ireland Cancer Network
- Action Cancer
- Marie Curie
- Cancer Focus Northern Ireland
- Macmillan Cancer Support
- Cancer Research UK
The information on this page has been adapted from original content from the NHS website.
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