Transfer to a post-primary school
If your child is in year seven at primary school, you need to apply for their post-primary place. You should send your child’s application via the online portal, listing at least four schools, including a non-grammar school. Your child isn’t guaranteed a place at a particular type of post-primary school.
Information about post-primary schools
For information about post-primary schools, go to:
You can find out:
- how many places are available at each school
- admissions criteria each school uses if the school receives more applications than places it has available
You can ask post-primary schools for their prospectus.
Prospectuses are available from schools’ websites and/ or in printed format and are free if you ask.
Virtual tours/ viewings can be found on respective school websites.
Online applications
The Post Primary online application procedure closes at 12.00 noon on Thursday 20 February 2025.
The online application is used to apply for your child’s place at a post-primary school.
Filling in your child’s Transfer application
Before you list a school on the Transfer application, read the school’s admission criteria. You should make sure you understand what’s needed by the schools you list.
Information schools might want
On the Transfer application, a post-primary school can ask if your child:
- has any brothers or sisters at the school you’re applying to
- is the eldest child, only child or eldest boy or girl in the family
- is registered as entitled to free school meals
You are responsible for giving accurate and relevant information on the Transfer application form. This allows the schools you listed to consider your child’s application.
Schools admission criteria
When considering your child’s application, a post-primary school only uses information on your child’s Transfer application. They use this information when they need to apply their admissions criteria if they get more applications than places they have available.
Types of post-primary schools
Your child isn't guaranteed to get a place in any of the schools you list. Even if your child would prefer to go to a grammar school, it’s important you include one other type of school on their Transfer application.
Processing applications for post-primary school places
Upon receipt of applications schools apply their admissions criteria to the information on your child’s application.
If unsuccessful in gaining a place, your child’s application will be transferred to the next preference school listed on your application. This process continues until either a place is granted by a school or all preferences listed have been exhausted.
Notification of post-primary placement
You will receive notification of the outcome of the application for a post-primary place at the end of the process via the online portal. The school may also let you know of your child’s post-primary placement and the letter will arrive on the same date.
If your child doesn’t get a place in any of their school preferences, you will be asked to choose from other schools that still have places. You will also be advised of how to appeal a decision about a school place.
Further information can be found on the Education Authority website at the time placement notifications are released.
Appealing a decision about a post-primary school place
There will be a deadline for you if you want to appeal a school’s admission’s decision.
The deadline for receipt of appeal forms against Year 8 decisions by post-primary schools is Thursday 22 May 2025, no later than 4.00 pm.
Find out how to appeal a school’s decision at: