Prisons in Northern Ireland
If you are remanded in custody or given a custodial sentence you will be held in one of the three operational prison establishments in Northern Ireland.
A high security prison, housing adult male long-term sentenced and remand prisoners in both separated and integrated conditions.
A medium security prison, housing shorter-term adult male prisoners. It also has low security accommodation (Foyleview) for selected prisoners nearing the end of their sentence.
Hydebank Wood
The college, which has a focus on education, learning and employment, accommodates young people between the ages of 18 and 21. It also accommodates female remand and sentenced prisoners in Ash House, a housing block within the complex.
Hydebank Wood no longer houses prisoners under the age of 18.
Prison Service Headquarters
The main administrative centre for the service, is located at Stormont, while a staff training facility is located on the grounds of Hydebank Wood College in Belfast.