Keeping children safe during a flood
Flood water could contain sewage and contaminate drinking water. It's a threat to health and safety. You shouldn't let children play in flood water or in areas affected by flood water.
Flood water areas
Don't allow children to play in flood water areas. There might be hidden hazards such as missing manhole covers. Disinfect or wash plastic toys in hot water if these were contaminated with flood water. You should always wash your child's hands before meals.
Remember: it only takes five centimetres of water for a child to drown, be aware of this during a flood. Always supervise children.
Returning home after a flood
When you return to your home after a flood, to protect yourself and your children:
- keep children and pets out of the affected area until the cleanup is complete
- don't let young children play on timber floorboards or any damaged tiled floors, they could get injured by sharp edges on tiles or raised nails
- wash clothing, bedding and other soft/fabric articles (including children's toys) at 60°C or the highest temperature given on manufacturer's instructions
- don't let young children play on affected grassed or paved areas until the area has been cleaned down and restored to its normal condition
- make sure garages or cellars are well ventilated and aren't accessible to children and animals
- a dehumidifier may be useful to help with drying out your home quickly
Water for infants during flooding
A tanker with uncontaminated water is usually available to people living in an area affected by flood water. If you live in an area where drinking water is interrupted or contaminated and use formula milk to feed your baby.
Use tanker or bottled water, leave the water to cool in the kettle for no more than 30 minutes. Then it will stay at a temperature of at least 70 C. If you’re using a baby formula preparation machine, make sure the water is at least 70 C. Water at this temperature will kill any harmful bacteria. Then follow the instructions on making the feed.
Use ready-made formula milk as an alternative to powdered feeds.
If you don't have gas or electricity to allow boiling:
- use unboiled bottled water (table, spring or mineral water) to make a baby feed, but you must give the feed to the baby immediately
- don't use unboiled tanker water
Water for washing children
If the drinking water is unsafe, don't use domestic water to wash children. Use tanker or bottled water. It's safe to use baby wipes for hand cleansing and washing children.
Buying bottled water
It is important to keep babies hydrated.
If you buy bottled water, check the sodium content level. Look at the label for sodium or `Na’ and check the level isn't higher than 200mg a litre.
If it's higher, buy different bottled water. If no other water is available, use this water for as short a time as possible.