Help from your local Jobs and Benefits office
There are 35 Jobs and Benefits offices located throughout Northern Ireland. Jobs and Benefits offices provide information on a range of services and local support including jobs, benefit eligibility and benefit application, preparation for work and access to training.
Appointments in your local Jobs & Benefits office
If you arrive at your local Jobs & Benefits office without an appointment, you will be seen at the Welcome Desk, or an appointment will be arranged for a suitable date and time.
If you are asked to come to an appointment, it is important you turn up or your benefit may be affected.
If you need help to use the telephony or digital services, you can arrange an urgent appointment in your local Jobs and Benefits office. To arrange an appointment, contact the Jobs and Benefits office on 0300 200 7822, stay on the line, and a call handler will connect you to your local Jobs and Benefits office.
You should advise when booking your appointment if you need interpreting support.
For queries about your benefit contact the office that pays the benefit
- Universal Credit
- Jobseekers Allowance, Income Support and Social Fund
- Employment and Support Allowance
If you need extra support to make a claim or have a query, you can contact the Make the Call service
Digital Support in your local Jobs & Benefits office
If you don’t have access to the internet or a digital device (for example a computer, laptop, tablet or smart phone) or if you need help to get online, your local Jobs & Benefits office can help.
Contact your local office on 0300 200 7822 to arrange an appointment. You will be able to access a digital device and get support with your digital skills from a member of staff who can help you make or maintain your Universal Credit claim.
If you arrive without an appointment, you may still be able to use a digital device if one is available.
How your Work Coach can help
Work Coaches in local Jobs and Benefits offices can offer information and guidance:
- to help with understanding what benefits can be claimed
- to help with benefit applications including online benefit claims
- to help with things like job applications, CVs and interview preparation when looking for work
- on how to access training, work experience and job programmes to improve work opportunities
- by providing support with redundancy including help with benefits and job searching
- by signposting to relevant services and support within the community
Watch the video below to see what help is available from your local Jobs and Benefits office if you are looking for work.
If you have a health condition or disability your Work Coach can help you to enhance your job skills or move into employment if you wish to.
If you are facing any barriers to work your Work Coach will discuss these with you and may be able to offer help.
Watch the video to see what support is available from your local Jobs and Benefits office.
Community and wellbeing support
Help with community and personal support
Staff in your local Jobs & Benefits offices will work with you to identify any additional support needs you may have. They will refer you to a broad range of other organisations who can help and support you, for example if you are homeless or if you have money, debt or health needs.
All Jobs and Benefits offices are recognised as safe places and staff have received training to help customers who are experiencing domestic abuse.
Just A Minute (JAM) Card support
If you have any communication barriers or hidden disabilities, and you have a JAM card, you can show it to a member of staff and they will give you the additional time and support you need.