Career planning for young people with special educational needs
If your child has a learning or physical disability, a careers' adviser can help you and your child plan for the future. They can explain options and support available in education, training and employment.
Career planning at your child's school
On or just after your child’s 14th birthday, their school will hold a transition plan meeting. This meeting is the first step to plan and prepare for your child’s future. Planning and preparation can help your child move successfully into further education, training or employment.
How a careers' adviser can help
To help you and your child make the best choices, a careers' adviser also takes part in this process and at any reviews afterwards. They can also give more information, advice and guidance when your child leaves school.
You can speak to your child’s careers adviser by contacting your local careers office. The special education needs co-ordinator or careers teacher will also be able to give advice at this important stage.
Further information can be found in the video below.