Introduction to Lady Spender's Diaries
Date published:
This is a document summarising some of the most interesting and significant content within the Lady Spender’s Diaries archive (D1633) held in PRONI.
Lady Spender's correspondence and diaries include around 3100 documents and around 65 volumes, 1888-1966.
The greater part of the correspondence consists of letters between Lillian Spender (née Dean) and her husband Wilfrid Spender, mostly dating between 1915 and 1918 when Spender was serving with the army in France. During this period the Spender's wrote to each other nearly every day. Lady Spender's diaries run from 1899 to 1966 (with gaps) and number 64 volumes, of which the first around 15 and the last few are perfunctory in content and of limited interest. They are accompanied by some correspondence and printed matter, 1911 and 1943-1961.