Community transport and Shopmobility schemes
Community Transport and Shopmobility schemes in Northern Ireland help you travel if you have a disability or reduced mobility.
Dial-a-Lift scheme
The Dial-a-Lift (DAL) scheme is a transport option for people living in rural areas who are unable to access, or have difficulty accessing, local services due to a lack of transport (for example, a car or public transport).
DAL can be used for a variety of purposes:
- local shopping
- some local health services (for example, doctor, dentist, chiropodist, optician, health centre)
- local pharmacy
- Post Office or banking
- training and/ or local employment
- visiting friends and family
- linking to the public transport network
DAL cannot be used for:
- hospital inpatient appointments (going to a hospital or clinic for treatment that requires at least one overnight stay)
- home to school transport
Dial-a-Lift eligibility
To be eligible for Dial-a-Lift, you must:
- live in a rural area not covered by the Disability Action Transport Scheme
- have difficulty accessing everyday services due to a lack of transport
You must also become a member of your local Rural Community Transport Partnership.
You can ask for membership forms by contacting your local Rural Community Transport Partnership office:
You may only be a member of one Rural Community Transport Partnership organisation.
Dial-a-Lift is available Monday to Friday from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. Contact your local Rural Community Transport Partnership to confirm their hours of operation.
Booking a journey
Bookings can be made by contacting your local Rural Community Transport Partnership office.
You must book at least two working days before the day of travel.
Your local Community Transport provider will confirm if transport is available, as this service depends on the availability of vehicles and volunteers.
While your local Community Transport office will do its best to organise suitable transport, you may be asked to share a vehicle or travel earlier or later depending on availability.
Dial-a-Lift fares
Dial-a-Lift fares vary depending on the distance of your journey. For details on fare costs, contact your local Rural Community Transport Partnership office.
Through the Assisted Rural Travel Scheme you can travel free of charge on Dial-a -Lift if you hold one of the following SmartPasses:
- Senior
- 60+
- Blind
- War Disabled
You can travel for half fare on Dial-a-Lift services if you hold a Half Fare SmartPass.
Your SmartPass must be valid at the time of travel and it must be shown to the driver on every journey.
You can find out more about SmartPasses on the free bus travel and concessions page.
Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS)
Disability Action Transport Scheme (DATS) is a transport scheme that runs in and around large towns across Northern Ireland.
If you live in or close to one of these towns, you can travel in and around this area – this is your travel zone.
When you become a member, you will be given more details on your travel zone.
Find out more on the DATS website:
Shopmobility schemes are usually based in a town centre or shopping centre.
They help people with restricted mobility to get around more easily, enjoy independence outdoors, and access shops or leisure facilities by offering a range of mobility equipment, such as:
- manual and powered wheelchairs
- electric scooters
- rollators
- walking sticks
To see where Shopmobility services are available in Northern Ireland, visit:
Transport Programme for People with Disabilities
You can get general information about the Transport Programme for People with Disabilities (TPPD) at this link:
Rural Transport Fund
You can get general information about the Rural Transport Fund (RTF) at this link:
Travel Safe guide
You can find information about the Travel Safe guide, including how to get a copy, at the following link:
You can find an audio version of the guide at this link:
For more information about accessible transport, contact Department for Infrastructure - accessible transport.
The Inclusive Mobility Transport Advisory Committee (Imtac) has factsheets about these schemes: