Antisocial behaviour
Antisocial behaviour can have a negative effect on the quality of life of individuals and communities. It's important to report your concerns about antisocial behaviour you are experiencing as soon as possible.
Recognising antisocial behaviour
The term antisocial behaviour (ASB) describes different types of nuisance behaviour, like:
- too much noise
- graffiti
- littering
- disputes with neighbours
The behaviour might not be a criminal offence but can affect quality of life for people and communities. If you're concerned about antisocial behaviour, you should report this as soon as possible to prevent it getting out of control.
Reporting antisocial behaviour
Local councils, the Housing Executive, housing associations, private landlords and police are responsible for dealing with different types of antisocial behaviour.
Local councils
Local councils can investigate:
- noise nuisance
- disputes about high hedges
- litter and illegal dumping
- graffiti
- fly posting
- dog fouling
- dog nuisance
- stray dogs
- abandoned vehicles
- Local councils in Northern Ireland
Housing Executive
The Housing Executive is responsible for investigating:
- noisy or disruptive tenants
- neglected dwellings/gardens
- using premises for illegal purposes
- using premises for business purposes
- neighbourhood disputes
To contact the Housing Executive:
- telephone: 034 4892 0900
- Northern Ireland Housing Executive
Some antisocial behaviour is criminal activity. You should contact the police to report:
- motoring offences
- drunken and rowdy behaviour in a public place
- criminal damage
- assaults
- theft
- intimidation
- harassment
- drug use/dealing
- hate crime
To contact the police:
- telephone: 101 (for non-emergency calls and general enquires; if you are a Tesco mobile or giffgaff user call 028 9065 0222)
- telephone: 999 (for emergencies)
- Police Service of Northern Ireland
What you can do to help
When reporting antisocial behaviour, it's important to give as much information as possible. You should provide:
- information about the incident, including location, time, description of those involved, if this has happened before
- if you are worried about your own safety or your family’s safety
- if you think the incident was aggravated by any other factors such as sectarian or racial abuse, any form of hostility such as homophobia or based on disability
- details of any witnesses
- the impact the incident has had on you
- your contact details
Policing and Community Safety Partnerships
Policing and Community Safety Partnerships (PCSPs) work with organisations and communities to deal with antisocial behaviour in local areas.
To find out more about their work, contact your local PCSP.