National Vocational Training - guidance notes
You can drive professionally for up to 12 months without taking the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (CPC) part two and part four tests. To do this you must be taking an approved National Vocational Training (NVT) programme and have passed the Driver CPC part one and part three tests.
Start of NVT concession period
The 12-month concession period starts from whichever of these is the latest:
- the start date of the NVT programme you're taking
- the date you passed the Driver CPC part three test
End of NVT concession period
The NVT concession lasts for up to 12 months.
It will end sooner if you:
- stop taking the NVT programme
- finish the NVT programme
You must have passed the Driver CPC part two and part four tests before the concession period ends. You must stop driving professionally if you haven't.
Apply for the NVT concession
To apply, fill in the application form below and send it to the Joint Approval Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT).
You’ll need to include proof that your NVT course qualifies.
JAUPT contact details
You can find contact details for JAUPT at the link below.
Qualifications you need for NVT concession
You must be on an approved learning programme which lasts at least six months to take advantage of the NVT concession.
This programme of learning must lead to a qualification. You and/ or your employer need to evidence this when applying for the concession.
The qualification must be:
- based on relevant National Occupational Standards
- at Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) Level 2 / Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) level 5
- accredited by a national awarding body that is externally regulated by the qualification regulators (Scottish Qualifications Authority [SQA] / Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation [OFQUAL])
Qualifications that meet these rules are:
- National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) in Passenger Carrying Vehicle
(PCV) driving - NVQ in Driving Goods Vehicles
- NVQ in Carry and Deliver Goods
- Business and Technology Education Council (BTEC) in Transporting Passengers by Bus and Coach
- BTEC in Carry & Deliver Goods
Any qualification which meets these criteria but is not included in the list above should be submitted to DVA for consideration.
There are no time limits on the qualifications followed within an NVT programme. You may continue to work towards your qualification after the end of the NVT concession period.
If you leave or finish the approved course you will lose your concession rights.
It is the responsibility of the employer and the driver to tell DVA if the NVT concession is no longer valid and to return the NVT concession card.
Registration evidence
When you are approved by DVA, you will be sent a concession card that confirms you are registered on the NVT scheme.
By law, you must carry the concession card when you’re working.