Rural Community Transport Partnerships - Down Armagh Rural Transport Partnership Ltd
Rural Community Transport Partnerships - Down Armagh Rural Transport Partnership Ltd
10 Charlestown Avenue
BT63 5ZF
United Kingdom
Phone:028 3831 7810
Opening hours
Monday to Friday, 8.00 am to 4.00 pm (closed for lunch 1.00 pm to 1.30 pm)
Areas covered
Main towns and surrounding areas within the Upper Bann constituency area including:
- Aghagallon
- Ballyward
- Banbridge
- Birches
- Craigavon
- Donaghcloney
- Dromore
- Gilford
- Katesbridge
- Lawrencetown
- Lurgan
- Magheralin
- Maghery
- Portadown
- Rathfriland
- Scarva
- Waringstown