Repaying student loans through Self Assessment
If you calculate your tax returns by Self Assessment, you will be required to work out your student loan deductions from your earnings. You should then send the relevant amounts at the end of the tax year when you send off your tax return to HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC).
How to calculate your student loan deductions
If you are self employed, you will be required to complete a tax return to tell HMRC about your profits and expenses. From this they will calculate your tax, National Insurance and student loan repayments for the year. You will then be asked by HMRC to make your repayments after the end of the tax year.
If you send in your tax return before 30 September, HMRC will do the calculations for you. You are liable for making these repayments even if you also make additional voluntary repayments directly to the Student Loans Company. The Student Loans Company are unable to refund voluntary repayments. If you have any questions about your Self Assessment deductions, your local tax office will be able to assist you.
When Self Assessment and Pay As You Earn (PAYE) apply
If you are self employed but also work as an employee, pay tax at a higher rate or have unearned income from stocks, shares and savings or other sources, you will be required to calculate any student loan repayments due through Self Assessment as well as any repayments which are deducted through PAYE.
If you move from Self Assessment to PAYE
If you are self employed but then begin work as an employee, you will be billed for the entire year by HMRC.
When repayments are due to end
If you would like to estimate when you will finish repaying your student loans, particularly if your annual statement indicates that it is likely to be in the current financial year, the Student Loans Company can predict when you are expected to complete repayment. If you write to them enclosing your relevant tax records, the calculation will be made for you.
If you think you have repaid in full
If you think you are close to fully repaying your loan, contact the Student Loans Company to confirm a final settlement.